Things to know before taking a credit card Before taking a credit card for the first time, there are a few things you need to know and keep in mind. For example, credit card rules, offers and credit limits. Here are 5 things that will make it easier to get your first credit card.
1. Good to know before Before opening the card, you need to know how things work and what is going to happen next. Personal finance consultant Paco Dillion advised to understand the issue well before opening the card. "Remember that a credit card is an economic product and you're using it to become a consumer," he said. As a result, know everything about the card by asking the organization you are taking before taking the card. 2. Try to repay It's a pleasure to use a credit card. When sitting in any restaurant can be billed with a card. But be careful not to spend it that month you will not be able to pay it. Many people think that there will be no problem and you pay less than what you spend. But if you do not pay the whole balance, your monthly balance of interest will increase. Which may once have gone beyond capacity. "Paying the minimum will not hurt you that much," said Dillion. But if this kind of pull continues, you will eventually get into serious trouble. ” 3. Get rewarded People work hard for money. Wants to be rewarded for this as well. With credit card you can fulfill this desire. For the first time, you may not be familiar with this topic. But, on many credit cards, you can get things like cashback. Credit card companies offer cashback facility when buying products in different stores, super stores. Moreover, using a credit card, you will get the benefit of buying many products at a discounted amount. The experience of using a first credit card can naturally lead to many shortcomings or complex unknowns. However, knowing the right steps will always allow you to stay financially comfortable and go to your favorite places.
Eat bananas to reduce weightEat bananas to reduce weight
Banana is a fruit very delicious. But many people do not eat fear of getting fat or blood sugar increase. Now the time has come to scare away fear. Because, research says, there are bananas in sugar and weight control magneto. It is not the end, colon cancer, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Eat Banana everyday!
Researchers say that every bodice is bitten by the magic. Banana will throw a lot of money in any of the precious fruits of food grains. Fiber, rich in antioxidants, this is not the result of fat. Pectin and Resistant Starch in raw banana rich
Experts say that blood-sugar levels are controlled by eating bananas after eating. Resistant Starch in the Colic helps to increase insulin sensitivity.
According to them, 15-30 grams of Registry Strain Insulin Sensitivity increases by 33-55 percent. Pectin reduces the risk of colon cancer. Fiber helps in digestion. Many think, eating bananas will increase weight.
However, experts say tha
About InsuranceWe've all heard a lot about insurance. As a general idea, insurance is something that you or the ones you insured maintain a substantial financial loss. But there is so much more to it that you think it's worth the loss. We will look at this in a more detailed way.
What is insurance? In technical terms, this is a form of risk management in which the transferring entity transfers the cost of potential loss to another entity in exchange for a small monetary compensation. This compensation is called as premium. In simple terms, this is like paying a single-sum amount to an entity to protect yourself from a potential future loss. So, when something unfortunate happens, the insurer can help you get through the situation.
CBC Test (Complete Blood Count Test) Details descriptionCBC (Complete Blood Count)
CBC also has another name. For example: full blood count (FBC) or Full Blood Exam (FBE) or blood pane. This test is usually done to check the condition of the patient's blood cells.
There are usually three types of blood cells in our blood. These are white blood cells (leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes). If these particles get abnormally increased or decreases in number, then there are some diseases associated with them. It is the most common of all blood tests.
The following tests are usually performed on CBC:
Red blood Cell count (RBC count)
White blood Cell count (WBC count)
Amount of hemoglobin in the blood
RBC amount - Hematocrit
The average size of red blood cells (MCV)
Hemoglobin Amount (MCH) per Red Blood Cell
Hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) per red blood cell size
The number of platelets
CBC test is usually done for the following reasons:
For the detection of allergies or infections
There is a probl
Benefits of Credit CardBenefits of Credit Card
Credit card use is increasing day by day in financial transactions. A credit card with a large number of purchases can be useful. However, many have the same fear of credit card. They think, at the end, it becomes a trap! The benefits of using a credit card are briefly discussed:
Fast transactions
Suppose you want to buy something very expensive. Could not raise so much money together. Can't borrow to anyone. Most of these cases use credit cards. The product can be bought by littering and paying the price for several months. It does not seem to be too much of a debt burden. In this case, you have to use your own wisdom. Prices have to be paid by the deadline. Otherwise, the fine may be calculated.
Reward points
Price rebound points, free travel in the air or extra reward points are some of the tempting things to do with credit card transactions. These reward points can be redeemed or applied later.
Increase credit score
If your transaction history is not a
Step By Step CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) GuideCPR stands for Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation where Cardio means "heart" and pulmonary means "related to lungs". Resuscitation is also a medical word which means "to revive".
CPR is a life saving technique that is used in medical emergencies such as heart attack or cardiac arrest. The main purpose of CPR is to give the heart some kind of restart by pressing on the heart, and then somehow introducing oxygen supply to the brain. If you see an electronic device malfunctioning, it suddenly starts to operate again. That's the essence of CPR.
If you search on YouTube you will find many videos. You will find that in the foreign market, in the field, in the field, suddenly someone has become unconscious.
Those who rush this way are treated as heroes in the society, they are called CPR heroes. They're Stranger, mean ordinary people. Many ordinary people from abroad take this training. This chest is called pressure-cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Translating from
Mercantile Bank Ltd Job Circular 2018!
Mercantile Bank Ltd Job Circular 2018!
Mercantile Bank Ltd, a progressive private commercial Bank in Bangladesh with a vision to be a leading financial institution in the country, intends to recruit dynamic, energetic, result oriented and self motivated qualified individual for the following persons.
Name of the positions:
Head of Division,
Head of Branch,
Deputy Head of Division,
Professional Accountant,
Software Developer,
Law Officer,
Civil Engineer,
Electrical Engineer,
Automobile Engineer.
Common Job requirement:
Minimum 03 years of experience is required in the present grade for applying to the upper grade.
Ready to work in any place of the country.
Excellent Communication skills.
Our offer:
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Excellent working environment.
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If you feel you are the right candidate to face the challenges and want to join the winning team, submit your CV highlighting the academic and professional experiences a