Big error found in WhatsApp application ~ Ofuran

Big error found in WhatsApp application

Big error found in WhatsApp application

What you didn't say or wrote in WhatsApp could show up. If wanted, the rogue can change the WhatsApp message using special programs. The WhatsApp platform has recently opened a tool for changing user messages. Experts say Facebook-owned WhatsApp has a fatal flaw that can be used to change a user's words or words. The BBC Online reported on Thursday.

Researchers at Checkpoint, a cyber security firm, claim that they have learned about WhatsApp errors, as well as a tool or program for replacing messages sent to WhatsApp.

Researcher Odde Vanunu claims that cyber-malicious users can change the conversation on the WhatsApp platform by using special programs. WhatsApp error can be used to spread fake news or cheat.

Facebook has not commented on the matter.

The program was recently screened at the Cyber ​​Security Conference Black Hat in Las Vegas, USA. In the last year, Checkpoint publishes research papers on this topic.

Vanunu claims that by using WhatsApp's quoting feature, a similar text can be published instead of someone's writing. What one has said, can be changed in a completely different sense. It is also possible to inform the identity of the sender. In addition to sending private messages to one person, it goes to everyone. However, the error has been fixed by Facebook on behalf of the message.

Vanunu said Facebook authorities have told them that other flaws are not possible due to WhatsApp infrastructure limitations. This is because, in WhatsApp's encryption technology, it is not possible for them to monitor messages.

Vanunu said a special program was created to discuss WhatsApp vulnerabilities. In today's world, 5 percent of people are using WhatsApp. Here is the rise of fake news and its abuse. It is a duty to fix it. There is no way to avoid it.