Gender Discrimination
The word “discrimination” comes from the Latin "discriminare", which means to "distinguish between". Gender discrimination in the region is deeply entrenched in the low access of women and girls to education and health services, to economic opportunities and to political participation The Asia-Pacific region has made good progress in reducing gender discrimination in recent years, but appalling disparities remain in four critical dimensions: economic participation, education, health and empowerment. The prevalence among women of poverty and economic dependence, their experience of violence, negative attitudes towards women and girls, racial and other forms of discrimination, the limited power many women have over their sexual and reproductive lives and lack of influence in decision-making are social realities which have an adverse impact on their health. Lack of food and inequitable distribution of food for girls and women in the household, inadequate access to safe water, sanitation facilities and fuel supplies, particularly in rural and poor urban areas, and deficient housing conditions, all overburden women and their families and have a negative effect on their health. In Bangladesh, stark discrimination against women is reflected through a variety of social factors, including disproportionate rates of literacy and employment. One of the fundamental reasons women are subject to discrimination is that they do not have a voice in decision-making at home or in society, even when the matters are directly related to themselves. With a view to making gender equality a reality as a core commitment, positive policies in the following areas are required to be pursued: a. ensure access to basic education; b. develop schemes for skill development, business counselling, networking and development of professionalism; c. ensure access to finance - micro-credit as well as providing collateral free loans of bigger amounts; d. develop marketing and sales infrastructure to facilitate and promote marketing of products produced by women; e. develop mechanisms to encourage women headed businesses; f. develop institutional capacity and encourage the creation of women entrepreneurs associations; g. ease transportation and accommodation problems of the female workers; h. ensure security of workers enrooted to their work. i. encourage freedom of association; j. internationally, resist move to link trade with labour standards.

The word “discrimination” comes from the Latin "discriminare", which means to "distinguish between". Gender discrimination in the region is deeply entrenched in the low access of women and girls to education and health services, to economic opportunities and to political participation The Asia-Pacific region has made good progress in reducing gender discrimination in recent years, but appalling disparities remain in four critical dimensions: economic participation, education, health and empowerment. The prevalence among women of poverty and economic dependence, their experience of violence, negative attitudes towards women and girls, racial and other forms of discrimination, the limited power many women have over their sexual and reproductive lives and lack of influence in decision-making are social realities which have an adverse impact on their health. Lack of food and inequitable distribution of food for girls and women in the household, inadequate access to safe water, sanitation facilities and fuel supplies, particularly in rural and poor urban areas, and deficient housing conditions, all overburden women and their families and have a negative effect on their health. In Bangladesh, stark discrimination against women is reflected through a variety of social factors, including disproportionate rates of literacy and employment. One of the fundamental reasons women are subject to discrimination is that they do not have a voice in decision-making at home or in society, even when the matters are directly related to themselves. With a view to making gender equality a reality as a core commitment, positive policies in the following areas are required to be pursued: a. ensure access to basic education; b. develop schemes for skill development, business counselling, networking and development of professionalism; c. ensure access to finance - micro-credit as well as providing collateral free loans of bigger amounts; d. develop marketing and sales infrastructure to facilitate and promote marketing of products produced by women; e. develop mechanisms to encourage women headed businesses; f. develop institutional capacity and encourage the creation of women entrepreneurs associations; g. ease transportation and accommodation problems of the female workers; h. ensure security of workers enrooted to their work. i. encourage freedom of association; j. internationally, resist move to link trade with labour standards.