Blue moon can be seen on the last day - (31 January) of this month ~ Ofuran

Blue moon can be seen on the last day - (31 January) of this month

Blue moon can be seen on the last day - (31 January) of this month

The largest blue moon in the one hundred and a fifty years can be seen on 31st January, 2018

This is the first lunar eclipse in 2018.  This moon can be seen from the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East and the Arab countries. It will take exactly at midnight. But fewer residents of Australia, New Zealand and East Asia can be the witness to this lunar eclipse. Alaska, Hawaii Islands and North Western Canada will be seen from the beginning of acceptance. This will be seen for 77 minutes. 

The distinctive feature of this eclipse is that the lower part of the moon will look more bright than the upper part. Then again this lunar eclipse will be seen again on January 31, 2037. It will also be the full moon lunar eclipse. An eclipse was also seen in 2009. But it was not a full length like this lunar eclipse. Last it was seen on the earth on March 31, 1866 in full moon.
