Bank Asia Foundation Scholarship 2019 Circular Notice and Result for HSC 2018
Bank Asia Foundation scholarship 2019 notice will be published soon in the daily newspapers and Bank Asia official website. The students who passed in HSC 2018 and now studying in various institutions of Bangladesh can apply for this valuable scholarship. The students must have to study in the following fields.
Business Studies
Bank Asia scholarship Duration: 4 to 5 years.
Bank Asia scholarship amount: Each year 51,000 (Fifty one thousands taka only) and per month 3000 taka, here 15,000 taka is for buying books and clothes each year.
in 2018, the last date for Bank Asia scholarship was 30 April, 2018

Some district's students can not apply for this scholarship, the following districts students only can apply for Bank Asia scholarship.
The eligible districts are:
Munsigonj, Dhaka, Gazipur, Noakhali, Lakkhipur, Kishorgonj, Sylhet, Pabna, Sunamgonj, Norsingdi, Chadpur, Nowgaon, Gopalgonj, Comilla and Bramhonbaria.
Educational Eligibility:
The students from above districts (home district, it is not institution district) passed in 2017 and study in any public university, colleges or institution can apply for this scholarship.
Parents Income/ Guardian's Income:
It should be less than 15 thousands per month. See the circular below. (2018 circular, for HSC 2017 passed).

Bank Asia Foundation scholarship 2019 notice will be published soon in the daily newspapers and Bank Asia official website. The students who passed in HSC 2018 and now studying in various institutions of Bangladesh can apply for this valuable scholarship. The students must have to study in the following fields.
Business Studies
Bank Asia scholarship Duration: 4 to 5 years.
Bank Asia scholarship amount: Each year 51,000 (Fifty one thousands taka only) and per month 3000 taka, here 15,000 taka is for buying books and clothes each year.
in 2018, the last date for Bank Asia scholarship was 30 April, 2018

Some district's students can not apply for this scholarship, the following districts students only can apply for Bank Asia scholarship.
The eligible districts are:
Munsigonj, Dhaka, Gazipur, Noakhali, Lakkhipur, Kishorgonj, Sylhet, Pabna, Sunamgonj, Norsingdi, Chadpur, Nowgaon, Gopalgonj, Comilla and Bramhonbaria.
Educational Eligibility:
The students from above districts (home district, it is not institution district) passed in 2017 and study in any public university, colleges or institution can apply for this scholarship.
Parents Income/ Guardian's Income:
It should be less than 15 thousands per month. See the circular below. (2018 circular, for HSC 2017 passed).