38th BCS Circular Notice has been published today 20/6/2017.
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38th BCS Examination 2017 Circular
Civil Service has invited application from the eligible candidates and
published a circular. This is the 38th BCS circular notice.
According to the circular there are 2024 empty posts
of different cadre.
1. BCS
General Cadre posts number = 520
2. BCS
Technical / Professional Cadre posts number = 549
3. BCS
for general Govt. College posts number = 839
4. BCS
for teachers training college = 116
Total Posts = 520 + 549
+839+ 116 = 2024! Posts numbers may vary for creating new posts, promotions, retirement
or for any other reasons.
38th BCS
application start date = 10/7/17 morning 10:00am